Under the Fund investor preferences title, you may have information about the investor numbers of the funds that meet the criteria you specify.

By adding the fund category you want to see first, you can determine which category of funds you want to have information about the investor numbers. In the second criterion, you can choose whether you would like to see the fund price according to the current day or the valuation day. As a final criterion, you can determine the date of investor information you want to see. When you click the "Get Analysis" button, the number of the investor, the number of investors per week, the number of investors per month, the number of investors per month, and the number of investors per year are displayed. The data in the last three columns are as follows:

Change Per Week (%): Change per week, change is calculated according to the first day of the week you are in. If we receive Monday as the beginning of the week, if there is no data for Monday, "-" will appear.

Change by Monthly (%): Change according to the month, the return is calculated according to the first day of the month you are in. If we receive Monday as a Monday, a "-" sign will be shown if there is no data for Monday.

Change by Year (%): The year-to-date change is calculated according to the year-end data and the last day's data from the current year. If there is no data for the last day of the previous year, a "-" sign will be displayed.

You can specify how many data you want to display on the page, and use the "find" option to conveniently bring up the item you want to search.